All posts tagged: olive oil

Beetroot & Lentil Salad with Goat’s Cheese Dressing

This ‘go to’ salad is perfect for a super quick lunch and is substantial too, so will keep you full through the afternoon, but it doesn’t end there!! It makes a great vegetarian starter and could be served as one of a selection of salads for a larger meal.  Why not spoon some into a container when you want to take lunch on the go!  It’s so quick to make and for a great short-cut, I often use the little pouches of cooked organic beetroot you can buy, they’re such a good stand-by, just be sure not to pick up pickled beetroot by mistake! The goat’s cheese dressing is so delicious, you don’t need to keep it just for this recipe.  With the warmer weather and longer days our thoughts change to summer foods, lighter dishes and the anticipation of all the new seasons produce that spring and summer can bring. Try the dressing on barbecued or griddled vegetables, such as aubergine, peppers and courgettes. It would make a perfect accompaniment to steamed or barbecued asparagus, look out for fresh British asparagus coming into season …

Autumn Slaw

I just love the colour of this salad but what I love even more, is that one of my children will eat bowls full of it and that makes me, and him feel really good!!  It’s good advice to try and eat the rainbow, as diverse a colour range of fresh fruit and vegetables as you possibly can, to feed our bodies the abundance of vitamins, minerals, phytochemical and antioxidants they contain. This will help reduce inflammation and give the immune system an all important boost, especially beneficial at this time of year. So, anything that gets the family diving into veggies, gets my vote! It could be the lovely fresh, tangy flavour as well as the colour that appeals but whatever it is, for now I will be making a lot of it! An incredibly simple dish to make with very few ingredients.  I’ve used white balsamic vinegar as part of the dressing which gives an amazing flavour, slightly more subtle than dark balsamic and with the advantage of not colouring everything brown! The one I use is actually labelled, White Condimento of …