All posts tagged: kidney beans

Sweet Potato Chilli with Chunky Guacamole

I was a little worried about posting this recipe in May, it seemed far too wintery, but as the rain comes down, I think I might just get away with it!! A great meal in a bowl, this veggie chilli is comfort food at its best.  Packed full of bright coloured vegetables, its a perfect midweek supper that helps to up your daily intake of veg.  The guacamole, written as a separate recipe here is the perfect, and in my mind essential, accompaniment to the chilli, to not only give balance of flavour but nutritional balance too.  Since I’ve been making my own guacamole I’ve become a complete convert.  This chunky version is a far cry from the tubs of smooth guacamole available in supermarkets and the flavour is so much fresher and really packs a punch!  Obviously the guacamole can be used aside from this recipe as a dip, served alongside summer barbecues, as an accompaniment to grilled fish, to top a big summer salad or as a filling for a wrap. The list could …