All posts tagged: courgette noodles

Thai Pesto

I fell in love with this the first time I made it and I’ve been experimenting with the flavours ever since!  I wanted to create something to pep up a piece of roasted salmon and vegetables and this does it perfectly.  It has a subtle warmth from the chilli balanced with the fragrance of the herbs, it not only tastes good but smells amazing too!  I’ve tried the Thai Pesto with steamed courgette noodles and sautéed prawns, stir fried courgette and carrot noodles with mushrooms and its also perfect with a piece of grilled chicken, simply stirred into some pasta or spooned on top of some rustic tomato soup.  The uses really are endless.  Adding spinach to the pesto also helps increase your vegetable intake and as its raw you really get all the goodness from it!  So simple I promise it only takes about 10mins to make!  This works really well in a food processor but if you’ve got a nutri bullet or similar you’ll have it whizzed together in a flash, just add the oil and lime juice …